
Free Masonry and the Grand Temple: its introduction into America.


J.L. Gihon. Free Masonry : its origin and spread into the old world, its introduction into America, with a full account of laying the corner-stone of the New Masonic Temple, at Broad and Filbert Streets, Philadelphia, and a description of that magnificient building in all its details. Philadelphia, W. White Smith, 1873. Un vol. in 12 de 180 pp., 1 gravure du temple maçonnique de Philadelphie en frontispice. Reliure pleine percaline de l'éditeur.

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Librairie ancienne le Cadratin SAUSHEIM, France
Vendeur depuis 2021 2952 produits mis en vente Voir la boutique
Free Masonry and the Grand Temple: its introduction into America.

Free Masonry and the Grand Temple: its introduction into America.



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Librairie ancienne le Cadratin SAUSHEIM, France
Vendeur depuis 2021 2952 produits mis en vente Voir la boutique

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